Medical Practice Finder Service

Doctor Finder Concierge Service

To summarize this service, we can find doctors and medical practices for you and help to facilitate a simplification of the intake process. 

Who This Service is Valuable To:


If you are being treated for a condition and are unhappy with the medical professionals treating it or are seeking treatment for a medical condition and don’t know where to start, we can help.

Why This Service is Important:

Regardless of your type of medical insurance, you have a list of providers in your network. This list is usually published online and can be complicated, confusing, or nearly impossible to access.  Additionally, it isn’t uncommon for in-network providers to not return phone calls, not answer the phone, improperly route calls, or not have openings to see you for a long time. 

This can make finding new medical professionals difficult to impossible. 

How We Can Help:

When you hire us to help you find a new doctor or practice, we do just that. We will find your list of in-network providers and start calling the providers you are seeking. We will also use advanced search tools that we have access to to locate additional providers. 

We don’t stop there. We contact multiple providers and learn about their intake processes. Some providers have electronic patient intake processes to make it simpler for their patients, while others require intake to be completed in the office. 

Some practices accept new patients immediately, while others have a lengthy waiting time to be seen. We sort this out for you to simplify the process.

What We Do When You Hire Us:


The first step is to gather fundamental information or fact-finding. We can complete this using a simple online form or over the phone.

We need to know:


 – Where you are located.

– What type of insurance do you have?

– What are you seeking treatment for, or what type of doctor or specialist are you seeking? (You do not disclose any specific medical information to us; we are here to help make the process of finding a practice that is accepting new patients easier)

– Do you have any specific requests (for example, preference for a Female or Male Doctor – maybe you prefer in-home care if available)

– How soon are you seeking to be seen?

– Are there any transportation concerns? 

We will get to work once we gather information from our fact-finding call. We will locate as many as five (5) different options for you and send them to you in an easy-to-read email report. 

The email report will include the following information:


  • Name, Location, and Phone Number of Practice. A point of contact will be included if available.

  • Hyperlinks to the online intake forms if that provider has that option.

  • A description of their intake process if they do not use electronic forms.

  • When they are accepting new patients or appointments. 


We will email you this information and call you to discuss our findings. Our service is helpful when you are unhappy with the care you are receiving, would like help finding new practitioners, or don’t want to go through the stress of searching for a medical provider. 

Pricing $647 Per Search Report

* We charge per search. For example, if you seek a knee doctor, that would be one search, and a hip doctor would be a separate search.